Today I am spending some time finalising the route for x4 Headteachers and our second year of meeting in this way. All are Heads that I (Lisa) have worked with for a long time and this day brings those I work with individually together to really spend time on the regulation aspect of supervision. The attention that is needed to be shown to their bodies and nervous systems that connects to their wellbeing/or not and therefore their capacity to undertake the brilliant work they do.

The day adapts the EcoSensory model which is offered as a training by Chris West, Claire Pemrick and Dr Matt Slavin, for the purpose of supporting supervision of senior leaders. It is based in Devon but supervisees are coming from all over the UK. We mostly work online together so the capacity to be whole together in this way supports and deepens the supervisee and supervisor relationship. It resources it as well as being an individually resourcing day.

Thanks to The Hummingbird Cafe  for providing lunch, snacks and cake to nourish us throughout the day as well as the beautiful walled garden we will have to ourselves in the afternoon. The morning will be spent moving and moving through grounding, connecting with self and nature, connection and attending to self and nature and its rhythms. The afternoon will be more creative and reflective but with nature as a resource to support emerging needs and themes.

At Talking Heads I hope that more of the team will begin to develop and offer such days to their supervisees from their locality. And yes – it is work! Feedback from last year and reattendance this year attests to this!

Supervision in Education

Our Vision:
Resourced, compassionate and creative leaders who change lives.

Our Mission:
To support children/young people/vulnerable adults by offering
external professional supervision to those who shape their lives.

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