Supervision with Penny has allowed me essential space and time to regularly reflect upon and improve my practice in the mental health field. Penny has consistently provided a safe and comfortable environment which has allowed me to be develop my reflective skills on day-to-day dilemmas as well as wider considerations regarding my role. Penny always manages to bring the right amount of humour, transparency and gentle challenge to enable me to think critically and laterally about my experiences and improve upon my practice. Penny took the time to get to know me and the way that I think, practice and learn, and this was invaluable in building an effective working relationship. I am very grateful to Penny for all of her support and highly recommend her to other professionals looking for reflective supervision opportunities.

Megan - Designated Safeguarding Lead

Supervision in Education

Our Vision:
Resourced, compassionate and creative leaders who change lives.

Our Mission:
To support children/young people/vulnerable adults by offering
external professional supervision to those who shape their lives.

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