People and their stories is my long lasting passion, from Supervision and Counselling to my early documentary work, finding ways to tell those stories or find new perspectives on them is what drives me. I’ve worked in Higher Education as a counsellor since 2013 and in that time have supported many staff members who found themselves going ‘above and beyond’ in order to support their students. Over time and as I trained and supervised groups of students in a peer support role, it became clearer to me that anyone who provides not just a technical role, but also a relational one deserves to be supported appropriately for that work. Education, Health and many other key worker roles are not just a technical skill-you don’t just have impact on others, you are also impacted upon and take that into the rest of your work. That is why I am so passionate about caring for the educators and carers in our society.
I provide a chance to take stock, refuel and refresh your professional practice so you can keep doing your important work. I’ll work with you to deal with work-place issues and their personal consequences so you can get on with doing the things that really matter to you. I aim to connect you back to the joy that brought you to your role in the first place, even if that has been lost or shifted with your changing professional and personal life. I work with a sprit of honest enquiry and my approach is rooted in the belief that learning from our ongoing experiences is the best way to be an effective practitioner who also feels satisfied by their work. A key feature of my approach involves combining both the micro right here right now reality, with the macro view of a persons life and the context of their organisation. I gained my PG Cert in Supervision in 2017.
Outside of Work
I love being outside, making pictures, going to gigs, dancing (like no one is watching) and swimming in the sea. I enjoy theatre and basically any form of live performance that attempts to shine a light on humanity. During the pandemic I rediscovered my love of baking (because then you get to make it, then eat it-the perfect activity!) and now I get to share that joy with my young family too.