About us: the largest social enterprise delivering supervision in Education, Health, and Not for Profit sectors.
Established in 2018 (supported by the School for Social Entrepreneurs) we deliver supervision to hundreds of senior leaders and work with Education Support in project managing their Well-being support for school leaders (educationsupport.org.uk).
We are at the forefront of maintaining best practices, integrity, safety, and relationships within supervision. We work with creativity in supervision from the simplest of ways, metaphorical or magical questions to elicit different thought processes/accessing feelings, to working in the realms of embodiment, projection, or sometimes, role. We only use role when the person is so comfortable they either don’t notice it has happened because it felt so safe or they have begged to do it as it seems so vital. Did we mention we think the relationship is key?
All our supervisors have a minimum of 2 years of experience in this field. With the majority having between 10 and 25 years of experience.
Our Associates are members of bodies such as the Health Care Professions Council, UKCP, BPS, or BACP. We have references for each Associate from their supervisor and a supervisee..