During the supervision training days delegates will be introduced to the Integrated Model of Supervision for Schools; at its core is the supervision cycle. Participants will be offered the opportunity to try out the supervision cycle (a model that develops emotional containment, reflection, critical analytical thinking and defensible decision making).
Delegates will also consider:
- the importance of emotionally intelligent leadership
- techniques to enhance and develop supervision as a safe containing space
- maintaining the golden thread of safeguarding students and staff wellbeing.
Training Courses:
- Supervising to Safeguard in Schools – Introduction for Senior Leaders 0.5 day workshop delivered online to establish a supervision framework. We recommend this course takes place in the term before supervision training is offered to make sure the school(s) obtains maximum benefit from the training programme and has the necessary strategy to implement supervision effectively.
- How to supervise: Using the Integrated Model of Supervision for Schools –3 day training course to people, who have already had the experience of being supervised, to learn to supervise others. This will be delivered in person and is delivered as 2 consecutive days followed by a further day a month to six weeks later to enable supervisors to consolidate their learning and to bring any challenges that may have been encountered in putting their initial learning into practice.
- Supervision for Supervisees – 1 day course for supervisees where schools have received the 3 day foundational training. This course explains the Integrated Model of Supervision used in Schools (IMS(S), introduces the method of supervision and explains the importance of negotiating a supervision agreement.
Sturt, P. and Rowe, J. (2023) Using Supervision in Schools Pavilion Publishing