As an ex-teacher, school leader, staff development officer, teacher-trainer and educational researcher, I am deeply rooted in the social, psychological and academic practices that underpin and facilitate more holistic, people-centred approaches to education. I am committed to being a support and resource for all staff engaged with children and young people. My primary focus however, is on school leaders, and ensuring that their social, emotional and learning needs have the support they deserve.
As a supervisor I offer leaders a safe, confidential space where they can pause, breathe and take time to reflect on their work: the joys, frustrations, challenges and opportunities. I am profoundly respectful, open-hearted and available to discuss the undiscussable, e.g. any relational dynamics (past and present) that are impeding a leader’s wellbeing and success. The aim is to deepen awareness of self and support their embodied presence and impact as a grounded, principled leader. In my own experience, such opportunities for personal and professional renewal can energise and mobilise human flourishing for pupils, students, staff and community.
Relevant publications:
HARRIS, B. (2008) Befriending the two headed monster: personal, social and emotional development in schools in challenging times British Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 36 (4): 367 -383 (Invited paper)
HARRIS, B. (2007) Supporting the Emotional Work of School Leaders London: Paul Chapman Press.
HARRIS, B. (2004) ‘Leading By Heart? School Leadership & Management 25(4): 391 -404